Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random photos...

So I took the camera out when I left the boat this evening and thought I'd post a few pics.

Beautiful clouds seen through the rigging on The Mystery

Max gathering his fishing supplies

Still waters at sunset

Have not seen one here yet, but they are out there somewhere:-)

Low tide at the salt marsh

Max, hiding from the camera

My "super-cool" bike.  Yes, I have a three-wheeler~roflol

Notice the nice and room basket:-)

The cool handle bars...

and a nice cushy (and wide) seat for comfort~lol  No tiny seat for me!

I even have a bell!

The pavilion

Bob in the pavilion...the blur tarp in the background is ours~lol

Wish we WERE in the Caribbean right now!

The "greeter" at Hurricane Patty's

Still waters, low tide at the salt marsh

Better view with the 312 bridge in the background

Honduran Tacos!  Thanks for the fabulous dinner Pam L.!!!!!

MUST learn to make these!  They were the best tacos I've ever had! 
None were left by the time we got done!

Bert trying to decide if he can steal the tennis ball.  That's our neighbor, Don giving him a pet


  1. Love, love,love the pictures. Scenery is beautiful and the tacos look yummy. One request some pics of yourself on the boat, pavillion or where ever. Love the 3 wheeler and I can so see you riding it!!! At least you won't fall over if you stop pedaling! LOL

  2. No one else takes I can't promise any will be forth-coming too soon. The 3-wheeler is a riot. Gotta love an adult sized trike complete with bell. I want some of those streamers that hang off the grips:-)
