Saturday, October 30, 2010

A glimpse at boat life on a Saturday afternoon...

So Max is away spending the night with friends who offered to take him Trick-or-Treating with their four children and my work on the boat is finally done.  Bob's still working on a project, but I'm not sure how much work he's getting done with the Florida-Georgia football game on~lol  I decided to snap a few photos inside the boat...this is what I've come up with:-)

Bert...wishing I'd leave the V-berth and let him sleep!

Sara woke up to see what was going on.
This is our bed folded up for the day  Beverly.

Sara decided getting her picture taken wasn't worth sitting up for.
She's trying to hide under the fold down table~lol

Bob project for the day is hooking up the marine batteries
and getting the kitchen faucet to work - it's run by
battery power and I have gone without a
kitchen sink as long as I can take it~lol

At least he's holding a part while watching the game~lol

Notice...the hole where the battery goes...
my kitchen sink....

THIS is my entire galley area~roflmao
Notice the tiny TV and remote mounted on the bulk-head:-)

If I take a super close-up....the tv and remote look big~


  1. Love the pics...I would never be able to see that tiny TV...unless I held it in my hand. LOL

    Did Bob get the faucet working?

  2. You see just how close he's sitting~lol It's a tiny, 7" tv. We have room for a larger one, but then we'd be watching all the time. Now, you really have to want to watch to bother turning it on!

  3. It's getting cooler and I vote for a larger TV. You all will enjoy it this winter when it's too cold or rainy to get out of the Mystery. You could always give Max the smaller TV for his space. (Now you know why I'm fat). LOL
