Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Showing the boys how to fish...

So Max is over fishing at a friends boat and Bob has been fishing next to the boat for about 30-45 minutes and I decided to try my hand at it.  Since I have no lure, like Bob, I decided to put hot dog on my hook.  Well, this was an excellent idea!  In about 30 minutes, I was able to catch 5 medium to large catfish and I lost a very large one that snapped the line (thus putting an end to my fishing).  My neighbor, Pam, decided to join in the fun and she was able to catch 1 and had 2 snap her line.

Well, you'd think the boys would put a hot dog on their hooks, but no.  So the final fish count was girls, 6 (with an additional 3 that snapped the line), boys...nothing...not even a nibble~lol

EDIT:  So I have to revise the fish count to girls, 6 catfish and 3 get aways and now Bob's caught a fish also...a toad fish!  Talk about an ugly little thing!!


  1. OK, that's one ugly fish. I assume it was thrown back???? Did you all have a fish fry or throw all the fish back?

  2. We threw them all back. Who wants to clean fish~lol We have an excellent restaurant right here in the marina and it's SO much easier to eat there!
