Monday, October 4, 2010

Gotta love a man that brings my sweets...

Living on The Mystery means that I can no longer cook what I crave. I have a 2 burner hot plate that's a pain in the fanny to pull out, 2 crock pots (a small and a large) and no oven That means that I am now craving home-made chocolate chip cookies (which I cannot bake and Keebler simply can't do them justice). I'm also craving pancakes and waffles~lol I've found Georgie's Diner, which takes care of the waffle cravings (they are the best I've ever had!), and I'm sure I'll find someplace that can handle the pancakes soon enough.

Most of all though, it's the sweets that I "need". Thankfully, Bob understands me:-) Today, he surprised me by swinging by The Mystery during work hours with...wait for it...canolli! Canolli with chocolate chip cream inside and chocolate cream, sliced almonds and even a piece of Hershey's chocolate on top. Yummy! Now I know the way to a man's heart is supposed to be through his stomach, but I'll tell you now, it works on women with cravings also!

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