Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crackling in the night...

With the air conditioner off and no noise at all, I can hear this crackling/popping noise under The Mystery that was starting to make me nuts.  What on earth could it be?  I went so far as to get on the floor and put my ear to see if I could hear it better.  For all I knew, there could have been something very wrong...I don't know, fiberglass cracking maybe?!  I didn't get much sleep last night.  Talk about getting a little paranoid~lol

Well, the Coffee Club has come to my rescue once again:-)  After going up for coffee, I approached the subject of the crackling noise and I was told everything was ok (thankfully no one laughed).  Smitty told me to be glad that I had this "problem"!  Turns out that krill, little shrimp-like creatures, are eating the growth off the bottom of my boat.  Considering you have to haul the sailboat out of the water (not cheap) to clean the bottom, yes, I am glad they like The Mystery!

Smitty was also nice enough to tell me that sometimes, larger fish also eat the growth off the bottom and not to be too upset if there's louder "chomping" sometimes.  Jeesh, I'm glad he warned me, can you imagine the panic that would set in if there was louder noise coming from under the boat?!


  1. Think of the da-dum-da-dum-da-dum-da-dum.......JAWS!!!!!

  2. That's what I was thinking Leighanne....louder chomping, bigger fish. LOL

  3. I'm afraid of the louder chomping~lol My imagination will run away with me:-) As it is, I still get a little freaked when the boat gets "bumped" at night. Smitty says it's manatee's, but I have not seen one in the marina yet. I do see dolphins, but I don't think they would bump the boat...who knows~Pam
