Thursday, October 7, 2010

Still more storage problems...

It's getting cooler in the evenings, but the days are still warm (anywhere from mid-70's to mid-80's) so now we need some warmer clothes.  After a trip to the storage room to pull out clothes that are a little more suitable to the weather, there's even more clothes on-board to figure out how to store~lol  That means having to come up with a creative solution for all these clothes! 

I've pulled some summer things we won't need to carry to the storage room, but we still have too many clothes left to fit into my original storage areas.  I've used all the zippered travel bags that I have, but what do I do with the rest?!?!  Well, after putting a little thought into the problem, I've decided that the head isn't likely to be fixed within the next several weeks, so I'm cutting some leftover plywood from the bed project to build a platform for a few storage bins to keep the "over flow" clothing until all the summer items are put into storage.  I wish I had somewhere to hang up some of the clothes (our "closet" is SO small, it holds 4 shirts and 3 pairs of work pants for's STUFFED!).  Oh well, I'll figure it out soon enough I guess.

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