Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm SO bad...

Our neighbor, Patrick, his brother and his brother's girlfriend (maybe wife?) decided to go out for a "two hour" tour this afternoon.  When he told Dock Master Paul what he was doing, Paul said a "three hour tour?" (you know, from Gilligan's Island).

Well, Patrick hadn't been gone very long when he called Paul to tell him he had run hard aground.  Unfortunately, he had left the dock when the tide was going out and made a small miscalculation in depth.  I guess that happens from time to time.  Now, if this was a sandy bottom area, it would be no problem to hop overboard and push off, but there are several feet of mud on the bottom, so there's nothing to do but wait for high tide.

Well, to make matter's a little worse, Patrick is supposed to be leaving with the "pump out boy's" (the one's who sit on the "boy's dock...Paul, Steve and who knows who else) to go the Fantasy Fest in Key West tonight.  High tide isn't until just before mid-night...  I'll say no more;-)

Not being able to get the Gilligan's Island song out of my mind...and having a few glasses of wine (that's a key factor to my strange sense of humor), I had to "fix" the words to suit myself...then I printed out several copies to share with the other marina neighbors...and posted them on the main bulletin board.'s what I came up with:

The Tale of Patrick's Shake Down Cruise
(set to the tune of Gilligan's Isle)

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this river port
Aboard a tiny ship.

The mate was a skinny sailing man,
His brother strong and sure.
Three passengers set sail that day
For a short quick tour...a short, quick tour.

The tide, it started getting low
The tiny ship was beached
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The minnow would be breached.

The ship set ground on the shore of this muddy strip of land
With Patrick...and his brother too
His girlfriend...or his wife?
The beer was gone
No food was packed
No ice was on board
stuck on muddy ground.

So this is the tale of the grounded crew
They're there for a long, long time
They'll have to make the best of things
It's a long time til high tide...long time til high tide.

The captain and his brother too
Will do there very best
To make the girlfriend comfortable
In the heat and the muddy mess.

No phone, no light, no dinghy ride
Not a single luxury
Like most boaters tales; this tale
Will be part of history.

So hurry up and get adrift
You're sure to get a smile
From your buddies here at Rivers Edge
Waiting for the “festival tour”


  1. OK...seriously, that was funny. I do not mean about the people getting stranded until high tide....I mean your song. I actually sat here and sang it to myself (since I know the tune to Gilligan's Island). LMAO!!!!! You have waaaaay too much time on your hands woman. (Still laughing) :-)

  2. Everyone here has gotten a kick out of it. That's what happens when you have 3 glasses of wine and some spare time. Can you imagine what I can do after FOUR glasses~roflol Unfortunately, the side effect is NOT being able to stop humming the damn Gilligan's Island tune...ever I think~lol I'm STILL humming it!
