Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another night of fishin'...

Bob, Max and our friend Pam Fishing on A Dock

We decided to try our hand at fishing again tonight.  I caught 4 catfish and 1 other fish, but I have no idea what it was and didn't think to take a photo.  It looked a little like a bream, but it had a spot near the gills and a few light stripes on the body.

Anyway, Bob caught a couple of catfish, but the "winner" of the evening was our neighbor, Pam.  She managed to land 9 pretty good size catfish.  Hot dogs seem to be the favorite treat for them~lol  Maybe we'll try a different bait tomorrow and see if we can't catch something else.

We did enjoy watching a couple of dolphin swimming in the river.  We got to see them swim up towards the salt marsh and back down again about an hour later.  I have to admit that I am really enjoying our evenings sitting out an the docks.  Not only are we having fun catching the fish, but it's nice to also be able to sit quietly for a while.

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