Friday, October 15, 2010

Added to my list of new favorites...

So I'm now throwing away all my regular cotton towels.  I have discovered microfiber bath towels and I'll never go back to cotton again~lol  Not only are they more absorbent, but they dry SO fast and take up less than half the room of regular towels.  If you're interested in getting some, make sure you get the "terry flocked" towels and not those super slick ones.  The slick ones seem to push the water off instead of absorbing it (learned from experience).  I found the terry towels at Marshall's on the clearance rack today:-)  Going back tomorrow to see if I can hunt down a couple more!  Then, ALL the regular towels are going to the marina's "Free" table...
Found these at Towels by Doctor Joe

I found some on-line that I may order later, a 6-pack for only $7.35.  Not positive they are the same size as the ones I found today (I'll pull out the measuring tape later), but they look the exact same:-)

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