Monday, October 4, 2010

Boating pets...part 2 (Big Max and LD)

Big Max soaking up the sun

So I have not been as successful as I thought I would be in tracking down the neighbor dogs and cats today.  So far Max (aka: Big Max) was the only one out and about.  Big Max is about 13 years old and can be found sunning himself all day.  He loves a good chin scratch in the mornings (the "coffee" club is more than happy to accommodate him).

Big Max

I did successfully see LD (Little Dog), who, while he is a boat dwelling dog, does not live in our marina.  LD lives with his owners out in the harbor on anchor.  This could be called a real boating dog since he dinghies in every morning, but I'm going to call them all boat dwellers since we are technically on a boat, even though we simply walk on and off.  Anyway, LD came to visit for Kenny's going away party this evening and we were more than happy to have him visit:-)

LD (aka Little Dog)

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