Thursday, October 28, 2010

More sailing terms...

So I am still learning all those sailing terms and thought I'd post a few more...  Unfortunately, these are not as fun as the others~lol

AFT ~ the back of the boat

BEAR AWAY ~ turning away from the wind

Not exactly the correct photo...but you have to admit it's cute:-)
BILGE ~ the lowest part of the boat (this is where all "stray" water collects)

BLOCK ~ a pulley with 1 or more wheels or sheaves

BOOM ~ the spar or beam that stabilizes the main sail

BOOM VANG ~ control line (rope), usually with multi-purpose tackle that keeps the boom from lifting in the wind

BOW ~ front of the boat

OK men...concentrate here...focus on the boat!
BOW LINE ~ line (rope) attached to the front of the boat

CAPSIZE ~ ok, I refuse to touch this one since I have no need to "learn" this term...seriously...

OK, so after the last photo, I am completely depressed.  That is a NICE bat!  I'll post more terms tomorrow without the "capsize" photo~lol


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