Sunday, October 10, 2010

Solutions to different problems...

Living on the boat is fairly easy.  There's such a limited interior/living space, it never takes more than 30 minutes to clean (and that's a pretty darn good scrubbing!).  It takes longer to make the beds than that.  I had another boater (yes, my Coffee Club has come through again) make a suggestion.  When she washes laundry, she puts TWO fitted sheets on her bed.  When one is dirty, she takes it off and throws it in the laundry bag and uses the lower one.  I explained that my dogs have access to my bed, so I would be pulling it off constantly and she suggested that I get thin coverlets, like at motels, and cover the beds during the day, since that's when they are on the bunks, and shake them out in the evenings and cover the unused settee at night.  That way, there's no dog hair on the sheets (I vacuum the sheets constantly) and as a bonus, my extra sheets are actually stored "ready to use"~lol  I love the Coffee Club!

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