Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall is in the air...

The nights are cooler and the days are pleasant.  I can't tell you how welcome the change in the weather is!  For the first time, I am able to open the hatches on The Mystery and enjoy being on the water.  At night, it's cool enough to leave the hatches open and sleep with a blanket and be comfortable.

St. Augustine is also starting to show signs that the season is changing.  The pumpkins are out at the Pumpkin Patch and school groups are starting to show up for the educations tours.  Before you know it, Thanksgiving is going to be here with Christmas right around the corner.  I can't wait for the Holiday's in the marina.


  1. Beautiful pictures....I love fall and the holidays. Can't believe they are so close....time flies.

  2. Yep. I took these at the Pumpkin Patch this morning. I actually took about 35 photos~lol It was hard picking which ones to use!
