Friday, October 29, 2010

Bert, the Pirate Dog

One of my friends wanted to see the new bed pulled out and with Bert stretched out on it, it was the perfect time to see just how "wide" our new bed really is.  Please, realize that Bert is about 95 lbs, so he really isn't a "small" dog by any means~lol  But, he IS smaller than Bob, my husband.   These photos will also show exactly how spoiled Bert really is.  We hold his paw when he goes to sleep (it keeps him from attempting to lay on us~lol).

Bert is sleeping in Bob's spot...notice the "ample room" that I am left with~lol

See how sweet we are...Bob is holding Bert's paw so he can sleep.
Before you post, yes I know his nails are long...they were twice this length when we got him
and we have now hit "quick"...this is as short as we can go without pain.

Bert trying to ignore the camera in his face and sleep.

Notice his pretty new pirate collar...I think it suits him:-)


  1. OK...that is one spoiled puppy!!!! The bed is huge compared to what you were dealing with!!!

  2. Yep, a "slightly smaller than single" bed is SO much bigger than sleeping on the settee alone~lol I'm happy for the extra elbow room:-)

    Yep...he's one spoiled dog:-) We did it to him though so I'm not going to complain about it:-)
