Saturday, October 30, 2010

Still more sailing terms...

So this will be the last post on sailing terms for awhile.  I can only absorb so much at a time~lol  Not to mention, if you aren't trying to learn to sail, they can get pretty boring!  So here goes...

Galley ~ The kitchen area on a boat

Obviously NOT the galley on The Mystery!
Head ~ The ships top corner or the ships toilet. 

I WISH this were the head on They Mystery~lol 
Helm ~ the tiller or wheel

Hull ~ the body of a boat

Painter ~ the bow line by which the dinghy or tender is towed or made fast

The painter in this photo is yellow:-)
Make Fast ~ secure a line

Around the tree...through the loop...back around the tree
(OK, that's from the movie Jaws...just in case you don't recognize it:-)
Shackle ~ a U-shaped piece of iron or steel with eyes in the ends, closed by a shackle pin

Uh oh...wring picture....

Ship Shape ~ neat; seamanlike

How did you expect me to find a picture of that?!?!
Starboard ~ right-hand side of a boat looking forward towards the bow (opposite of port)

Port ~ left-hand side of a boat looking forward towards the bow (opposite of starboard)
Prop Wash ~ NO - it is NOT something to wash our prop.  PLEASE do not fall for that old joke!  It is actually a current of water or air created by the action of a propeller or rotor.  Do NOT listen if someone tells you that they "give away" prop wash at West Marine if you take your own bucket~roflmao 


Prop Wash
So, I hope everyone has enjoyed the little lessons so far.  I'll take them up again sometime in the future, but for now we will all sound slightly more "educated" if we sprinkle a few sailing terms into our daily lives.  Well, either that or we'll sound like educated pirates at least;-)

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