Friday, October 29, 2010

Sailing terms, continued...

After yesterday's depressing photo of a capsized sailboat, I'm going to try and post a few "friendlier" terms today:-)

Centerboard ~ A movable plate of wood, fiberglass or metal let down below the bottom of the boat to help prevent sliding sideways due to the force of the wind.

Cleat ~ Device attached to the deck or cockpit f a boat that is used to secure a line.

Close Hauled ~ Sailing as close to the wind as possible.

Close Reach ~ Sailing with the front of the boat approx. 60 degrees off the wind.

Cockpit ~ The open well of a sailboat where the crew sits or places their feet.

Course to Make Good ~ The direction one wishes to travel.

No idea how the hell to find a photo of this...SO....this is what I came up with~roflol
Course to Steer ~ The direction you steer the boat to maintain the desired course of travel.  When sailing in current, this may not be the same direction as the desired course of travel.

Once again...a difficult one to photo:-)
Coming About ~ Turning the bow of the boat through the wind

Daggerboard ~ See Centerboard

Drain Plug ~ A plug used to close a hole in the hull through which water drains when the boat is on dry land

Fall Off ~ No, not what you're thinking - This means to turn the boat away from the wind
See Jack.  See Jack fall off.  See Jack fall off a capsizing sailboat.
(OK, not exactly the correct photo here either, but I DID incorporate TWO terms into one photo:-)
That's all for today folks:-) 


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