Monday, October 18, 2010

Another few new favorites..

So I'm scouring the shops for things that can not only have a dual purpose, but can be easily stored.  Talk about looking for a needle in a haystack!  This is not the easiest thing to do.  It seems like most of the items I want are for the galley.  I guess that since I have such a small space to cook in, it seems like I can't find anything that will work.  So, I've found a few items that I really want but have not found locally yet.  Here's what's on my list...

Collapsible mixing bowls 

The red section is silicone and it collapses to store flat
 Collapsible Colander

Collapsible Dish Drain
I've found silicone mixing bowls that flex at Target, but they do not fold flat for storage.  I did get lucky and find the collapsible measuring cups and I SO love them.  They take up such a small amount of space in the boat that I happily threw away my glass Pyrex measuring cup. 

Looks like I'll be doing a little on-line shopping soon!

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