Thursday, October 28, 2010

Man Found off Jacksonville Beach After Being Lost at Sea for Three Days

Man Found off Jacksonville Beach After Being Lost at Sea for Three Days

MAYPORT, Fla. -- A 73-year-old Connecticut man is safe on dry land after being lost at sea for three days.
According to Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Christopher Evanson, Richard Steg of Storrs, Conn., was trying to sail from the Ponce De Leon Inlet near St. Augustine back to Connecticut.
Three people knew that Steg was making the trip, but didn't report him missing because they thought it would take him three weeks to make the trip, according to Steg.
Steg bought the "Bon Vivant" in Melbourne, Fla. a few weeks ago. He flew down last week so he could sail it back up to Connecticut.
Steg embarked on his journey Sunday in his 35-foot vessel "Bon Vivant." Steg said the National Weather Service had issued a small craft advisory but he went out anyway.
During a storm Monday morning, the boat's sail mast was snapped and the engine died. Steg said he made a half-dozen mayday calls but didn't think they were heard.
One of those calls was picked up by the operator of the tug boat "Calusa Coast" Tuesday night, who told Coast Guard Watchstanders about the call.
The Coast Guard sent up a rescue helicopter crew, who searched that night. The next morning, a C-130 crew flew over the same area, and just after 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, the Coast Guard found Steg about 47 miles east of Jacksonville Beach.
Steg said when he woke up this morning, he saw a Coast Guard ship heading straight for him, and couldn't believe it, even crying.
Despite his time at sea, Evanson said that the man had minimal, if any, injuries.
The Coast Guard is calling the rescue a "miraculous case".

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