Sunday, October 31, 2010

Photos again:-)

So I've enjoyed taking photos the past few days and I think the camera will now be my constant companion.

This Halloween has been very "sedate".  We had a nice dinner of grilled Teriyake chicken with rice and broccoli with cheese sauce.  Rather yummy if I may say so myself.

Not long after dinner, my little zombie came home from trick-or-treating with friends.  As always, he's happy to share the "booty" with all.  Its almost like "reverse trick or treating" now because he's at our neighbors boat giving away candy~lol

I hope everyone had a great day!

Bob rinding the trike

Doesn't he look SO cool!

Grilled Teriyake Chicken

My little zombie

He looks like he was part of a serious battle!

His "chopped" neck

Rivers Edge Marina...

I've had a few people ask which marina we're staying at and it's called River's Edge Marina (previously Oyster Creek Marina).  This is not the fanciest marina in St. Augustine, but it is by far the friendliest.  The facilities consist of 1 set of bathrooms (each with 2 stalls and 2 showers - 1 of the shower stalls is handicapped and does have an extra head), washers/dryers, a pavilion with picnic tables and a fire pit. 

This is about a "middle of the road" marina compared to other's in the area, the prices are reasonable and after visiting the other marina's, I'm positive this one has the nicest office staff and boaters around.  There are regular Wednesday Night Pot Luck's and on Saturday morning's, Dock Master Paul greets us with doughnuts and coffee from Dunkin' Donuts:-) 

River's Edge is also extremely close to downtown, so you can easily walk or bike to get around.  Winn Dixie is about 2 blocks away and that shopping center has fast food and sit-down dining available.  Target and K-Mart are both within about 1 1/2 miles and there's plenty of small shops to browse within a 2 mile radius.  Over all, Rivers Edge is in a very convenient location.

There is a neat little restaurant called Hurricane Patty's right inside the marina (Happy Hour price's all day for the live aboard's here:-) and there's almost always a great band in the evenings.  But don't worry, they stop playing around 10:00 and you really cannot hear them on the boats anyway.

I have to say that this little marina isn't bad at all and I'm pretty glad we decided to stay here...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday and the livings good...

So I took photos of our typical Saturday afternoon and decided to share our Saturday night photos also~lol  A wonderful dinner with Pam, our neighbor.  She fixed an Arabic style chicken curry.  She's volunteered to teach me the recipe, so I'll be passing it along soon enough:-)  Since my friend Bev keeps asking for a photo of me, I set the timer and snapped one for her.  Of course I turned to answer a question right as the camera went off.  Oh well, I'm not much inti getting my photos taken anyway so I guess this will have to do.

Arabic Chicken Curry

Pam, my neighbor (and the wonderful cook)

Bob - relaxing after the great dinner


Maxie, Pam little dog

A glimpse at boat life on a Saturday afternoon...

So Max is away spending the night with friends who offered to take him Trick-or-Treating with their four children and my work on the boat is finally done.  Bob's still working on a project, but I'm not sure how much work he's getting done with the Florida-Georgia football game on~lol  I decided to snap a few photos inside the boat...this is what I've come up with:-)

Bert...wishing I'd leave the V-berth and let him sleep!

Sara woke up to see what was going on.
This is our bed folded up for the day  Beverly.

Sara decided getting her picture taken wasn't worth sitting up for.
She's trying to hide under the fold down table~lol

Bob project for the day is hooking up the marine batteries
and getting the kitchen faucet to work - it's run by
battery power and I have gone without a
kitchen sink as long as I can take it~lol

At least he's holding a part while watching the game~lol

Notice...the hole where the battery goes...
my kitchen sink....

THIS is my entire galley area~roflmao
Notice the tiny TV and remote mounted on the bulk-head:-)

If I take a super close-up....the tv and remote look big~

Still more sailing terms...

So this will be the last post on sailing terms for awhile.  I can only absorb so much at a time~lol  Not to mention, if you aren't trying to learn to sail, they can get pretty boring!  So here goes...

Galley ~ The kitchen area on a boat

Obviously NOT the galley on The Mystery!
Head ~ The ships top corner or the ships toilet. 

I WISH this were the head on They Mystery~lol 
Helm ~ the tiller or wheel

Hull ~ the body of a boat

Painter ~ the bow line by which the dinghy or tender is towed or made fast

The painter in this photo is yellow:-)
Make Fast ~ secure a line

Around the tree...through the loop...back around the tree
(OK, that's from the movie Jaws...just in case you don't recognize it:-)
Shackle ~ a U-shaped piece of iron or steel with eyes in the ends, closed by a shackle pin

Uh oh...wring picture....

Ship Shape ~ neat; seamanlike

How did you expect me to find a picture of that?!?!
Starboard ~ right-hand side of a boat looking forward towards the bow (opposite of port)

Port ~ left-hand side of a boat looking forward towards the bow (opposite of starboard)
Prop Wash ~ NO - it is NOT something to wash our prop.  PLEASE do not fall for that old joke!  It is actually a current of water or air created by the action of a propeller or rotor.  Do NOT listen if someone tells you that they "give away" prop wash at West Marine if you take your own bucket~roflmao 


Prop Wash
So, I hope everyone has enjoyed the little lessons so far.  I'll take them up again sometime in the future, but for now we will all sound slightly more "educated" if we sprinkle a few sailing terms into our daily lives.  Well, either that or we'll sound like educated pirates at least;-)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Doggie duds when sailing...

So everyone tells us we need to walk our dogs on a harness just in case we ever need to pull them onto the boat or dock in case they fall in.  Today, I bought harnesses but I really don't like them.  These are regular walking harnesses and are not intended for lifting your pet.  Now, I can see where they would be a lot more comfortable in case of emergency, but they will still be a little painful for poor Sara if we ever need to use one.  Also, they have no handle to grab them, nor an adequate "hook" to use a reach pole and pull them in.

I thought about safety float vests and plan on investing in a couple before we ever set sail, but isn't there something better to haul them besides those repelling hook-ups?  You know, maybe a harness with a second belly strap and a handle at the top in addition to the D-ring?

If anyone has ever seen one or knows of someone who can make one, please let me know.  I really need to figure out a way to safely (and the dogs at least) get them up if they fall in.

Bert, the Pirate Dog

One of my friends wanted to see the new bed pulled out and with Bert stretched out on it, it was the perfect time to see just how "wide" our new bed really is.  Please, realize that Bert is about 95 lbs, so he really isn't a "small" dog by any means~lol  But, he IS smaller than Bob, my husband.   These photos will also show exactly how spoiled Bert really is.  We hold his paw when he goes to sleep (it keeps him from attempting to lay on us~lol).

Bert is sleeping in Bob's spot...notice the "ample room" that I am left with~lol

See how sweet we are...Bob is holding Bert's paw so he can sleep.
Before you post, yes I know his nails are long...they were twice this length when we got him
and we have now hit "quick"...this is as short as we can go without pain.

Bert trying to ignore the camera in his face and sleep.

Notice his pretty new pirate collar...I think it suits him:-)

Sailing terms, continued...

After yesterday's depressing photo of a capsized sailboat, I'm going to try and post a few "friendlier" terms today:-)

Centerboard ~ A movable plate of wood, fiberglass or metal let down below the bottom of the boat to help prevent sliding sideways due to the force of the wind.

Cleat ~ Device attached to the deck or cockpit f a boat that is used to secure a line.

Close Hauled ~ Sailing as close to the wind as possible.

Close Reach ~ Sailing with the front of the boat approx. 60 degrees off the wind.

Cockpit ~ The open well of a sailboat where the crew sits or places their feet.

Course to Make Good ~ The direction one wishes to travel.

No idea how the hell to find a photo of this...SO....this is what I came up with~roflol
Course to Steer ~ The direction you steer the boat to maintain the desired course of travel.  When sailing in current, this may not be the same direction as the desired course of travel.

Once again...a difficult one to photo:-)
Coming About ~ Turning the bow of the boat through the wind

Daggerboard ~ See Centerboard

Drain Plug ~ A plug used to close a hole in the hull through which water drains when the boat is on dry land

Fall Off ~ No, not what you're thinking - This means to turn the boat away from the wind
See Jack.  See Jack fall off.  See Jack fall off a capsizing sailboat.
(OK, not exactly the correct photo here either, but I DID incorporate TWO terms into one photo:-)
That's all for today folks:-) 


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random photos...

So I took the camera out when I left the boat this evening and thought I'd post a few pics.

Beautiful clouds seen through the rigging on The Mystery

Max gathering his fishing supplies

Still waters at sunset

Have not seen one here yet, but they are out there somewhere:-)

Low tide at the salt marsh

Max, hiding from the camera

My "super-cool" bike.  Yes, I have a three-wheeler~roflol

Notice the nice and room basket:-)

The cool handle bars...

and a nice cushy (and wide) seat for comfort~lol  No tiny seat for me!

I even have a bell!

The pavilion

Bob in the pavilion...the blur tarp in the background is ours~lol

Wish we WERE in the Caribbean right now!

The "greeter" at Hurricane Patty's

Still waters, low tide at the salt marsh

Better view with the 312 bridge in the background

Honduran Tacos!  Thanks for the fabulous dinner Pam L.!!!!!

MUST learn to make these!  They were the best tacos I've ever had! 
None were left by the time we got done!

Bert trying to decide if he can steal the tennis ball.  That's our neighbor, Don giving him a pet