Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Easy solutions to easy problems...

My family can only be called Accidental Sailors (thus the name of my blog) because we were not ready to live aboard when the Mystery found us.  Now, we spent years living in a Mini-Winnie (a class-C Winnebago), so we do know a little something about getting the most out of a small space.  I did live aboard when I was in St. Thomas, but my time was divided between a 145' three masted schooner and a 36' Beneteau.  There is no comparison other than they float~lol  There are a few solutions to problems and issue in all boats that are the same though, here's a few of them...

Salt water does not produce suds in soap.  Not matter how much you try, unless you are using Joy dish soap, you won't get a bubble.  Joy can be used to clean almost anything on a boat.  Decks, dishes, yourself, etc.  Joy is my friend:-)

That door or hatch board that is sticking only needs a little spray of Pledge.  The wood swells when it's hot and humid.  It's amazing what a little Pledge can do:-)  Pledge is my friend (couldn't get the hatch boards out yesterday).

When storing cereal (flour, oatmeal, basically anything dry), remove it from the box and store it in a screw top plastic container with a little plastic wrap under the lid.  It keeps the moisture out and keeps the cereal fresher longer.  I lost 2 boxes of Life cereal before I remembered:-(

Dog food must go into a sealed container and NOT kept in them bag.  Soggy dog food isn't good.  Just ask Bert, he'll turn his nose up at it~lol

Also, the most important thing of all...if you think you won't need it, then you probably will.  Stock your boat to accommodate for all possible scenarios~lol  If you think it's a personal necessity, leave it behind~lol  You'll probably never take it out of the box;-)


  1. Also, put a few grains of rice in the bottom of your salt shaker to keep the salt "dry" and easy to wonders!!!!

  2. I have salt and pepper shakers that seal shut when not in use. I've used the rice trick, but it's SO humid sealing the shakers is a little better. Learned a new one today...put Crisco on your potates to store them longer. Not sure I'm eer going to try that one, but...
