Monday, September 13, 2010

Sara and Bert, dogs on a sailboat

Now, I dearly love my dogs.  Both are rather large German Shepherd Dogs and they are settled in their ways.  I can't complain about the dogs themselves.  I love them pretty much the way they are.  But... well... I wish it was a little easier getting them out of the boat.  It's not they they don't jump up and down from the cabin by themselves because they do.  They even get on and off the Mystery just fine by themselves, thank you very much.  It's that they try to do it all at the  same time.  Two big dogs simply don't fit through the hatch at the same time~lol 

I really wish I had my camera a little while ago.  They both tried to go out at once and, in the blink of an eye, they had their butts stuck in the hatch together~lol  Tails wagging, tongues hanging out, perfectly happy to have half their heads out in the cockpit stuck.  Not fun when you have to push their fannies out~lol

Bless their hearts they SO want to do things at the same time.  Gotta start setting rules as to who goes first now because I don't want a repeat of this morning performance!


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