Saturday, September 18, 2010

Socializing and afternoon naps...

Since my husband works and Max is in school all day, that puts me on the boat with just the dogs or company much of the time.  I like to talk to my dogs, but 8 hours a day is a little much~lol  I send a large amount of time either on-line or socializing up at the pavilion in the marina.  There are so many boaters that live here, there always seems to be someone up there to talk to.

I love to talk (no comment on that one Ms B!) and will sit with almost anyone who wants to have a conversation.  That has turned out to work to my advantage lately, as I've been learning so much from other live aboard boaters!  But, most of the "talk time" is in the middle of the day.  That means it's hot, very hot.  The heat can sap the energy right out of you faster than a jog around the block I think, but have not attempted the jog around the block to compare the feeling...yet.  Let's be honest, I'll never jog around the block so just take my word for it, sitting in the heat makes you tired~lol  (See, you thought the convoluted title wouldn't go anywhere.)

After piddling on the boat, getting any actual work done before 9 am (that's when you start to get hot~lol) and getting inside work done before 10 am (how much inside work is there when your space is this limited), you get on-line until you get tired of your own company, that's usually around 10:30 am~lol.  That's when you start your socializing:-)  It's not simply sitting there and talking a few hours, it's sit and talk for about 15-30 minute, then go back to the boat (you're hot and gotta get cool) and work on something until you forget just how hot it is and you must go socialize again because you have to hear someone breathe, other than the dogs, of course.  You once again socialize for another 15-30 minutes.  Then retreat back to the boat.  This cycle is repeated anywhere from 3 to 10 times, depending on exactly how much you want to talk and how long your stamina can hold (climb out of the boat, off the boat and climb the gangway from the dock to land and walk to the pavilion, all in the heat).

After several trips, you start back to the boat, telling whoever you were talking to that you'll be back in a little while, gotta go cool off.  At this time, you get back to the boat and decide to read, sounds like a good idea at the time.  After reading one page...the nap starts~lol  The nap can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how many socializing trip you made and when you wake get to go socialize again.  There's not too much tie left before it gets dark and we all know it's time to get on the boat at dark!  We are too tired from spending the day outside in the heat to even think about staying up late here!


  1. What do you mean no comment???? I wish I was a lady of work, no phones, no stupid people. I could lay and read for hours if I had a good book, and there are tons out there!!! Love the "new bed", lamp and hammock. Genius ideas!!! Did you think of them or did Bob? Oh yeah, how is Max doing with school? Does he have tons of homework? Is that where the idea for the lamp came from? My love to all :-)

  2. The lamp was one I brought thinking I could hang it out of the way...of course it's too tall so I just hung it upside down~lol There was already 1 hammock on the boat, but I couldn't find a place to buy another one...that was my attempt at making one. Didn't work out as well as I planned, but it works for now:-) The bed was required sleeping - got the idea from my neighbors boat.
