Sunday, September 5, 2010

Marina life is never boring...

This is not MY mooner, but this guy is running a close second!
Many people that live aboard do not have cars, so it's a little interesting getting around for them.  We are one of the few people who actually have TWO cars at the marina, so I end up taking someone almost everywhere I go.  Now, I am not complaining because I love having the company, but it does make shopping and errands interesting.  I took a trip to the local WalMart to pick up supplies the other day and had 2 fabulous women from the marina with me, which made for a very eclectic shopping trip (we all needed different things). 

One of the ladies is a stand-up comedian, so I should have known it was going to be an interesting trip, but I was in no way prepared for what I saw while checking out!  Both ladies were waiting for me in the front of the store near the Service Center and as I looked towards comedian friend actually dropped her pants and mooned me!  Talk about shocked~lol  I'm not a prude and I've been mooned before (I've even mooned), but never did I imagine that I'd be mooned in the check-out lane at WalMart! 

The amazing thing was no one even seemed to notice what happened.  How can someone dropping their pants in WalMart go un-noticed?  My thoughts...WalMart gets such strange people that anything goes~lol  I've seen shoppers in their pajamas filling their shopping carts in this store before :-)

Next week, we're taking on Winn Dixie, I can't wait to see what kind of trouble she can cause in there!!

To see some real craziness in WalMart, check out the website People Of WalMart!

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