Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where are all the towels?

I am finding that no matter how well you plan where everything will go, it's never going to be enough.  I have attempted to arrange the boats storage into a logical fashion, but nothing seems to work.  Let me tell you how it actually works...

I'm looking for the coffee creamer.  Its in the very bottom of the cooler, so I must remove the bottled water, wrapped sandwich meats, etc (plunging my hand into ice and water as each item is removed).  I now have my coffee creamer, but must decide how to "logically" put the items back.  Of course, creamer should be on the bottom since I only use it in the mornings.

Wait, now I need to shower so I must find the towels.  I remember putting them into the bottom of the storage locker under the bench in the salon.  Of course, Bob has now added a few items also.  So...once again I must got through the process of removing everything from the storage area just to get to the towels.  Now I must decide how to put everything back, putting in what I think we won't need that much first.  As I finish, Bob wants to know where I put the screwdrivers...  Didn't I put those on the bottom?  GRRRR!

My day seems to be spent finding what I need in the bottom of the storage lockers and rearranging everything.  There HAS to be a better way.  Think I may buy a label maker and start putting labels on the inside of each storage locker until I figure out exactly what needs to be where.

1 comment:

  1. Now that you have the fridge, that should solve the problem with the cooler...for the most part.
