Monday, September 20, 2010

Sleeping space is essential...

Putting in the foot braces

So we gave up the quarter berth to Max and Bert since Bob and couldn't both fit (we are too tall and I kept loosing foot space) and Bob and I have been sleeping separately on the settee's in the salon.  We are not happy with the arrangement, to say the least.  Today, we are extending one of the settee's with a removable brace system  and adding a piece of 1/2" plywood to have the bed slide out at night so we can sleep together again.

Sounds easy...right?  Well, it isn't!  There's actually only 3X5 of actual floor space to work with in the salon.  That means piling everything up on one settee to work on the other and Bob and I both bumping into each other as we attempt to work.  (Sounds like my friends story is now coming true for us~lol)  Add to that, I'm a girl.  Pretty obvious I'm sure, but I didn't "measure twice and cut once".  We are having to saw off 5" of the plywood since I measured the size of the settee cushion and NOT the actual space we needed to fill.  Oops:-(  Since we have no power saw here, that means Bob has to hand saw the extra off the plywood (not fun when sick).  Throw a confused German Shepherd (Sara) into the mix and it's a mess.  What we thought would take about an hour with Home Depot doing the actual cutting has turned into a 2 hour project.  Guess I'll measure twice next time...

Now that the board is cut, the braces are in place, all we need is a piece of foam large enough to cover the "new" bed.  We forgot to take the measurements to the store with us.  Grrr.  It's hard thinking of everything when you are just too sick and way too tired.

Edit:  So our neighbor suggested simply cutting down the quarter berth cushion that's in storage since it's already the proper thickness.  Since all the cushions need replacing, that seems like the easiest thing to do for now.  We are going to have to have all new cushions made sometime soon, since the foam was not the highest quality when they were made and they are all so "compacted" now.  When we do, we'll have a new quarter berth cushion AND the needed extension cushion for the new bed made then.  Now, if only I knew of an easy way to cut the foam...
Discovering the measurements are all wrong

Head Braces installed

Working in a tight space

Bob...fixing my bad measurement

Semi-finished bed

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