Sunday, September 19, 2010

Necessity is the mother of all inventions (or in my case re-inventions)

This photo IS turned the correct way, it's the lamp that's up-side down

So necessity drives me to make up solutions to my little "boat issues".  I have no electric light on-board, only battery powered.  Batteries are SO expensive when you start running lights at night (they never last long enough).  There is no where to put a lamp, so I needed a solution.  Introducing my "up-side-down wall lamp"~roflol  There's wall space to mount a lamp, just not upright, so I have improvised:-)

The "Ugly Hammock"...what every boater needs!

My paper towels are always where I don't need them or in a hard to reach space so I decided to make a hanging hammock to keep them in.  It's not pretty.  I can't even think how to make it pretty~lol  But, it's just the right size for the paper towels and flashlights:-)  Introducing the "ugly hammock", every boater needs one (not).  It seemed stupid for me to go buy one for $10 when I can make my own for only $1.  I still have enough material to make 3-4 more~lol  OK, maybe now I see why it isn't so stupid to buy one (it wasn't easy to make!), but I can now say I've tried and conquered net hammock making:-)

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