Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good Boatkeeping

My new favorite book!
My neighbor has loaned me a book called Good Boatkeeping.  Now, I'm not exactly "Susie Homemaker", so I started my first impulse was to say Thanks anyway.  She must have seen that "look" in my eye because she insisted.  Thank goodness!  Good Boatkeeping has become a valuable source of information!  I must find my own copy ASAP!

This book tells you how to do everything from keep your head (bathroom) running efficiently to finding storage solutions for almost any item.  It covers cooking and cleaning (did you know you can wash laundry in a bucket with a plunger~lol)  It even has a solution for tea stains on mugs (who knew toothpaste could be so handy).

I love this book!

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