Monday, September 6, 2010

Dinner and drink is nice. Nasty comments are not.

Last night one of the wonderful "marina ladies" made fajitas for many of the boaters and dinner turned into a small party before we knew it.  The fajitas were absolutely wonderful, if a little hot.  She made the sauce with the drained juice of a jar of jalapenos, so no one was expecting as much "heat" as we got~lol  There were no left overs, so they were a huge success.  Needless to say, after a little "heat" from the fajitas, we were all had a few beers (or in my case wine) for hours afterwards.

I'm finding that marina life has it's up and downs.  I am fairly laid back, but I can't abide someone talking about me, my family or my dogs (go figure, they are part of my family).  One of the party-goers last night made a rather nasty comment about one of my dogs in front of the entire group.  Now, I did not take my dog to the little party, my husband brought him out to take on a walk.  This person was not asked to even be near the dog, so I felt the comment she made was a little excessive and completely unnecessary.  I am rather pleased that I was able to hold my temper and not let on that I had even heard the remark, but I will have a private word later to let her know I was offended (and more than a little embarrassed) by her thoughtless remark.  I guess that it's going to be a process learning to live so close to such a diverse group of people.  All of us are so different.  We come from different backgrounds, ethnic groups and we are all rather "set" in our beliefs.  Hopefully, once we adjust to this life, we will learn to let the little things pass us by without taking offense.

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