Saturday, September 4, 2010

Marina Life

Moving Mystery into the marina was probably the best decision we've made so far.  We are happy (for the most part) with all our "neighbors" and we found that feeling of "community" rather quickly here.  We've only been on-board for just over a week, but I think that after doing our homework, we made a good decision to stay here.

When we were living in the house, we barely knew our neighbors well enough to wave when seeing them on the street.  We actually only knew the names of TWO of our neighbors.  It was a rather singular and insulated way to live.  Now that we are part of the marina and are on the boat full-time, we know most of the people that are on the boats around us.  There is a nice pavilion with picnic tables and grills set-up for us to use and that is the gathering place for most of the live aboard's.  Every week there are scheduled get-togethers that help promote a community feeling also.  Saturday morning's it's coffee and doughnuts and Wednesday evenings we have a cook-out with everyone contributing something.

It's nice to actually slow down enough to get to know your neighbors and always have someone nearby that you know you can ask for help if you need it.  I like knowing who lives next to me, it makes me feel like I actually "belong" here.

While I love the feeling of community, I do have to admit that there are a few people I simply don't care for here.  Not that they have done anything, but our personalities just don't mesh well together.  I don't feel obligated to socialize if I don't want to, so I don't foresee any problems being able to get along well here.

The downside of marina life...your neighbors are very close.  If you want to have a private discussion, then don't do it above deck or on-land.  Otherwise someone is going to hear you!

We lived for a long time in a Mini-Winnie (Class C camper) and are used to having close neighbors, so we are fairly used to living close to others, but we have been "out of practice" for almost 4 years, so we are still adjusting.  We''ll see how well it's going in a month~lol

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