Monday, December 13, 2010

Thank goodness for new heaters, old sheets and helpful friends...

Sara, refusing to move any farther from the new heater
So with today's low temps and the wind playing havoc outside, Bob was nice enough to run to Target and bring me back a new heater.  All I can say is thank you!  It's hard to believe the difference this heater is making!  It must be a good 10 degrees warmer inside Mystery now than it was an hour ago:-)

Since I decided not to make the trip out today, I have added a folded up old sheet to my companionway between the hatch cover and the hatch boards.  This is keeping those chilly gusts out of the Mystery and me much warmer!  I guess I'll make a run for another insulation blanket tomorrow maybe.  With the new heater, it isn't nearly as urgent as I thought.

It's 75 inside~lol

I'd like to send out a HUGE thank you to Electric Pat from CYS Marine for his help in getting me out of Mystery earlier.  I had been stuck for about an hour with no possible way of exiting without a little outside assistance~lol  Bob forgot to tie down the kayaks and a huge gust sent one sliding into the hatch cover...effectively closing me in until help could arrive.  It was shoved so tight that I couldn't even get the hatch boards removed and with the insulation/wet proof mat tied over the forward hatch, there was no getting out without a little help! 

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