Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our top 10 reasons to live aboard...

So with winter sweeping in and making us all miserable, I need to remind myself of exactly why we live aboard now~lol
  1. Saving money!  Moving out of the house and onto Mystery is saving us money (in theory still, but give us time).  Our monthly expenses were cut by 75% and with me cleaning, by closer to 85%.  Of course, we are still catching up on bills and such, but we are getting caught up and are actually able to put more into the 401 than before.
  2. Spending more time as a family.  Yes, we all lived under the same roof in the house, but Bob, Max and I are much closer now.  We actually spend more time and do more together than when we were in the house. 
  3. No more yard work.  Yep, we no longer have a pool to maintain (if we really want to swim, we'll jump over the side~lol).  No more grass to cut.  No more worrying about tree limbs or that poor dead oak in the side yard. 
  4. No more clutter!  Well, there's still some clutter on the boat, but it was SO liberating to get rid of a house FULL of things and just let go.  I have to admit, I really don't miss anything that was given away or put into storage...except my winter coat~lol
  5. Beach property without the hassel of a house:-)
  6. We can pick up and go anywhere we want...after we get an engine of course *sigh*
  7. We can live our deam instead of just "thinking" about what we want.  How many people actually just "do it"?  Not as many as you would think!  If we had waited until the "timing" was right, we'd probably be waiting still in 10 years.
  8. Life is simplified and we appreciate the small things (like running water~lol) instead of searching for the next "big thing".
  9. We have a better appreciation for what we have.  There's really no need for the tv, dvd player, etc.  We can actually read a book and enjoy it just as much.
  10. We leave a smaller "foot print" now.  Not only has our use of power and water gone down severly, but we now use less of almost everything:-)


  1. Excellent reasons, Pam. We should all downsize...Phil and I have been talking about it...not necessarily moving onto a boat, but moving back to the little house. :-) That will always be home to me.

  2. Go for it Bev! I have to say, it was SO liberating to get rid of all the "stuff" cluttering up our life's:-)
