Sunday, December 12, 2010

Seasonal musings...

OK, it's the Christmas Season (you can also read Hanukkah, Kwanzaa...whatever you believe in) and everyone is supposed to be cheerful, but where ARE the cheerful people at?  So here's the story...

Stopped at T@&g*t to pick up a few things for Max's Christmas and had a woman actually yank a toy out of my hands...

Me:  "Merry Christmas to you too"

Her {mumbling under her breathe}:  "bitch"

Me:  "It's obvious that you need that more than I do.  Enjoy"  {as I walk away}

So, I wasn't a very happy camper after that little episode.  I proceeded to the check-out, only to be told that an item I had in the buggy was "not on sale".  Wait....stop just a minute...

Me:  {pulling out the weekly ad}  "It's listed right here at XX.XX, can you check the price again"

Check-out girl:  "My register scanned at XX.XX"

Me:  "Can you please call a manager to check the price"

Check-out girl:  "Seriously?"

Me:  "Never mind, just put everything back.  Thanks anyway"

Check-out girl:  "Seriously?"

Me:  "Merry Christmas"

You see where I'm going with this, right?  Why does everyone seem to be in such a bad mood right now?  I thought Christmas was supposed to be a happy time of year. 

~Completely unrelated to the above, but still seeming to fit the theme~

So I've been trying to tell Max about how Christmas was when I was a child.  I can remember barely being able to go to sleep because I was SO excited on Christmas Eve and sneaking down the steps to see what was under the tree before anyone else in the house was awake.  Even as I get older, I still carry that strange feeling of expectation that I experienced as a child. 

Mom on Christmas morning

It wasn't always the presents that I so looked forward to, though they did play a big role (more on that later), but spending time with my family.  Daddy and I sneaking cheese straws and sausage balls from the dining room when we thought mom wasn't looking.  My family spending time together (and actually enjoying it).  Christmas movies and James Bond adventures (a post-Christmas event).  My daddy (and everyone else, except mom I think) trying to hide presents and be the last one to open a gift.  I have to say, daddy took the prize on that one~lol  He found one he had hidden and forgot where he'd put it on Easter one year.

Daddy and the Stetson Susan gave him.  He loved that hat:-)

Bob, my brother and his ex-wife. 
My mom and dad

Mom, admiring her present

The "stuffed to overflowing" tree


  1. Has your family always lived on the coast? You don't mention about any siblings and all of you sneaking down the any brothers and sisters? What's their take on this posting?

    I remember my Christmas as a child very well with my sister and I sneaking flashlights so we could REALLY sneak to see what we got. We never looked for any presents before Christmas - it was more fun to sneak on Christmas morning but alas we were caught one year by our dad...

    Christmas with my brother and sister were always fun....we were and still are a tight family.

  2. Yep, I have a brother and 2 sisters... but they are so much older than I am, I really don't remember actually living with them. Not sure what their "take" on this post is, but this is a blog about me, my husband and son... not them anyway.
