Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's 8:15 PM on Saturday night, why is it I only want to crawl in bed?

So I'm sitting here wondering if it's too earl to go to bed.  Yes, it's too early for most of you, but for me, is it to early?  It's cold, my belly is stuffed full of the ham I grilled (yes, I had another hankering for ham again) and I may have dreams of that green bean casserole and pumpkin pie smothered in whipped cream.

You see, I'm only wondering because it seems not that long ago, I would have laughed out loud if someone had suggested going to bed at this early hour... especially on a Saturday

I think that I am officially getting *gasp* old.  That ugly, nasty thing that we never think we will ever achieve.  I can hear some of the other (read younger) boaters up at the bonfire laughing and telling jokes and I'm sitting here wondering if they will maybe be a little quieter so I can just pull out my bunk and go to sleep, and then...I look at the clock..crap, it's only 8:15!

It's been dark for hours and the cabin on Mystery is feeling almost comfortable (read that as warm) and Bert's already asking for his paw to be held.  Can is only be 8:15?!?!  How can I feel this tired, this worn out and this drowsy when last year I would have been asking Bob if he wanted to go out about now?!?!  Of course, Bob has been asleep for the past half hour, so maybe he's feeling old tonight too.

Yep, I can only surmise that I am getting ... *gasp* old. 

Please, don't misunderstand, I will not be old tomorrow.  Nor will I be old next week.  I am only old tonight because it's been such a long day~roflol  I am going to be young again in the morning.  After I have a good nights sleep...

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