Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Record low temps and a warm boat...

St. Augustine is breaking records with the low temperatures now.  I'm so glad that Bob went and bought the heater yesterday instead of putting it off another day. 

Last night, we were able to maintain the temperature inside Mystery at 74-76 degrees.  With the old sheet stuffed between the hatch cover and the hatch boards, we didn't have any drafts coming into the boat.

I also put Sara's old quilt on the sole of the cabin to insulate the floor from the cold water a little more.  I think the addition of some carpet scraps and the quilt ill help in coming our feet much warmer.  (My hand-knitted socks from Jim also help a lot!).

We decided not to pull out our bed last night and Bob and I slept on separate settee's so we could keep the heater on the floor.  We were nice and toasty even if we both woke up looking for the other~lol  I think we'll experiment with where to place the heater this evening so we can pull the bunk out.

Sara and Bert snuggled up

Sara and Bert both slept in the quarter-berth last night and neither moved all night long~lol  I think that now that it's warm, they are content to pick a place and stay there:-)

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