Thursday, December 2, 2010

More good-byes and exotic ducks...

Paul and Salty
This morning broke a little bitter-sweet.  It's very windy and a little cloudy and today I have to say good-bye to Paul and Claudia on the trawler "Peeples Choice" and to Patrick, our dock neighbor.  Both are leaving today for warmer waters and a view of the sunshine.  Paul and Claudia will be returning in the Spring, but I'm not sure about Patrick.  He does have family near here, but I have a feeling he's going to love the Bahama's and stay longer than the others.

I was a little surprised to see these little ducks right off our stern.  They may not be exotic, but I've never seen any like this before so they were photo-worthy.

Paul and Claudia leaving on Peeples Choice

Peeples Choice heading up the river 

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