Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lunch at Hurricane Patty's...

Today Pam (my neighbor) and I took a walk down C Dock and the smell of burger's was wafting in the air from the direction of Hurricane Patty's.  Being as it was noon, both of our stomach's started to rumble~lol  Time to finally try out the marina restaurant. 

Today's lunch specials were either the chicken sandwich or the fish and chips.  I opted for the fish and chips and Pam went for the "piggy burger".  Now, it's not exactly called a piggy burger on the menu, but that's what I'm calling it~lol  It was a burger with ham and bacon and looked SO good.  I almost (notice I say almost) regretted ordering the fish and chips until my first bite of fish.  Talk about good!  

Thankfully, I had my camera along, so not only did I snap a photo of what we ate, but I also snapped a few photos of the rather interesting decor and the birds that begged for food on the balcony.  One is so tame, he came right up and ate out of my hand~lol

Side porch sitting area at Hurricane Patty's.
This overlooks E and F Docks

The "Piggy" Burger

Yummy Fish and Chips

The tame one-footed bird.
This one will eat out of your hand:-)

A view of E and F Docks

The angry gull that dive-bombed~lol

Great photo-opt for the kiddies~lol
This is actually on one of the walls on the outdoor patio.


  1. The "piggy burger" was RAW!!!!! Fish and chips looked good, though. Love the Shark with the hand hanging out of his mouth. LOL

  2. It was rare~lol That's how she ordered it Beverly:-) The shark is kind of funny, isn't it?
