Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Marina life...

Gotta throw in at least ONE load of laundry also~lol 
But you can't guess why?!

Today I had to say goodbye to Jan and Ebony.  I never did get a photo of this beautiful shepherd, but I spent a good hour visiting with her owner, Jan, and tossing a ball yesterday.  I wish you guys fair winds in you travlels and hope to see you again!
There was another bonfire last night and most of the gang was there.  Bob. Max and I stayed in the boat due to the cold weather and early darkness.  We still can't get used to the time change and Max was asleep by 8:30 again.  I made it to a "late" 9:30~lol

The boat MUST be cleaned and washed today~lol  With the weather being a little unpredictable I need to get the boat cleaned, inside and out.  The cockpit seems to collect all the dirt and grime that can possibly be tracked on board~lol  Now that the stale odor is out of the boat, it's time to take the inside apart and clean, clean, clean!  I'm also going to oil the woodwork inside.  It hasn't been done since we moved onto The Mystery and I'm curious to see how it's going to look:-)

Today's weather is to get to 78 degrees with a light wind.  With the perfect weather, this may be a good day to get all my "jobs" done.  Hopefully, I can also throw in a little dog washing at some point~lol  (I'm feeling a little ambitious!)


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