Monday, November 15, 2010

Post # 100!

So I logged on to put up today's post and realized that this is post  100!  I think that I'll leave it alone for today and simply absorb the fact that I have been on Mystery for about 4 months now and am still loving every minute. 

I may get grumpy, I may feel a little "closed in", but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  As a family, we may get a little fussy on the bad weather days we are stuck inside, but we are making it:-)  We've gotten our list of "must have's" for our next boat and we're already looking for a more permanent solution as far as boats are concerned.  Bob and I have begun to talk about places we may go once it's all said and done. 

Overall, I'd say that the boat is a success.  We still have a huge amount to learn (like how to sail, for instance~roflol) and a ton of work to do before we'll make our first "real" trip, but I think we are prepared. 

If I have anything to say about it, there will always be a Mystery in our lives...


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