Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black update...

So while I was busy helping cook Thanksgiving dinner, Bob was drinking with "the boys".  As you can tell..he had a "couple"~lol  But to get back to the point of the above photo...we found kayaks on sale at Gander Mountain at a real good price (more than half off) and since I knew Max really wanted one and was saving all his money to buy one, I decided to surprise him by getting up before day-break and braving the Black Friday crowds and get him one.  After a few conversations with a boating neighbor, it was decided that I would get TWO, so Max didn't have to kayak by himself.  I knew Bob remember the "we're getting a kayak" conversation, but NOT the "buy two" conversation.

I fell asleep after setting the alarm for 5 am.  I woke up...alone.  Bob wasn't in the boat...Bob wasn't in the cockpit.  I assumed he was in the bathrooms and went on the search for him.  Unfortunately, I realize the van was missing.  He had left for Gander Mountain without me:-(  After a fast search for his keys, I was off for Gander Mountain and to find my run-away husband~lol

When I pulled up next to the van, Bob got out.  He looked like a train wreck!  I asked him how long he had been there and it turns out that he thought they opened an hour earlier.  He had been sitting in the parking lot for an hour already, bless his heart for trying.  He was game for grabbing kayaks (thankfully we were there early since there were only 10 available and we were not the first in the door!)

Of course, since Max was away...Pam had to play:-)  Electric Pat (if there's more than one boater with the same name, we all get nick-named~lol) and I took them out for a fast trial run and I'm hooked!  These little things are SO much fun!  I can make it across the river to the salt flats with no problem!

I went out with Max as soon as he got home from Laura's house and he had it down perfectly within about 15 minutes.

Bob decided to get in on the action, but unfortunately there's a weight limit or up to 175 lbs and Bob just tops that off.  BUT, the kayak holds up well with the extra weight, it just becomes slightly "unstable".  Much to Bob's (and Max's) surprise, you barely have to hit an "slightly unstable" kayak for it to tip over~lol

Unfortunately, I was laughing so hard I wasn't much help getting Bob (or Max about 2 minutes after Bob was out) out of the river:-)  Many thanks to JiM for letting Bob use his swim platform to pull himself out of the water...and thanks also for pulling Bob out of the water when he realized that he couldn't do it on his own~lol

Needless to say, we are enjoying the new toys and they will get much use here at the marina and beyond...and well be a constant source of amusement for the other boat dwellers that are here~lol



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