Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update on the galley...

So my galley faucet still isn't working.  I'm getting tired of looking like vagabonds having to wash dishes on the deck~lol 

I'd use the sink in the head....except "someone" (I mean not me by that) dropped a dime in the drain.  In a household sink, this wouldn't cause a problem, but in a boat...it stops the entire drainage process.  We've tried pulling it out, pushing it through and pulling off the rubber hose fitting.  Unfortunately, it's stuck right where we can't get to it...in the bottom of the sink drain.  This is going to require "major surgery" to get it out.  If only it had been a nickle (wouldn't fit into the drain)!

In the mean time...we'll just look like vagabinds I guess <insert heavy sigh here>.

On a lighter note, Max is at school and I can console myself by eating some of his chocolate.  That always makes things seem better:-)


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