Friday, November 5, 2010

Cooler weather...

So the rain has finally stopped and it brought about a big change in the weather.  Today, it barely made it to 65 degrees outside and this evening it's down right cold~lol  I've pulled out the ceramic heater and I'm thankful that there's a lot of heat generated in my tiny boat with Bob, Max, and both dogs:-)

This afternoon the other Pam and I made a trip to Target to get her a heater and to get me a pair of shoes~lol  I've been wearing nothing but flip-flops or those strappy Tevas, so I needed something else.  I pulled a couple of pairs of jeans from the storage room a couple of weeks ago and tried to put a pair on after our trip.  Notice the word "tried".  It does not bode well that what fit me prior to moving aboard no longer fits now that I'm living aboard~roflol.  I seem to have finally put on a few pounds.  That's great for me, but bad for my chilly legs!  I do have a pair of long Yoga pants so I guess I'll be wearing those until I can shop again tomorrow.

Anyway, the heaters running and Bert's pawing my leg so it must be time for bed.  Hope everyone has a good night:-)


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