Thursday, November 18, 2010

More boating dogs...

Coco hanging out at CYS Marine while I work.
I've been pet sitting for a new resident dog, Coco.  Coco's having a hard time adjusting to life aboard, so I'm taking him out several times a day while Coco's owner, Brad is at work.  I have to admit, I'm starting to like the little fella even though I am not a little dog type of person~lol  This boy is not only very friendly, but he has a "big dog" attitude.

There's also a new transient boat dog in the marina in the slip across from us.  He's a wonderful little cocker spaniel, Barkley.  As you can tell from the photo, Barkley is a rather distinguished "elderly gentleman" who is both blind and deaf, but somehow gets around the boat and marina with no problem.  We hope that Barkley stays around for a long while yet:-)

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