Sunday, January 2, 2011

Boating dogs King and Lady...

King, giving his standard greeting:-)

So every time I tell someone I live on a boat, the first questions asked is (of course), "With the dogs?".  Well, yes...with my dogs.  I can't imagine NOT having them on the boat~lol

Well, for all our friends that think we are crazy... I am pleased to present another couple of "crazies":-)  Meet boating dogs King and Lady.  They are on a sailboat that's only 2 feet longer than Mystery.  These two are absolute characters!  Both are very vocal and happy dogs and Bert and Lady have had a couple of great play dates.  I'm very glad they are part of our little marina here now... 

Yep, someone else has German Shepherd Dog's on their sailboat...

King, 10 year old male German Shepherd Dog

Lady, 1 1/2 year old German Shepherd Dogs

1 comment:

  1. Great, great post! It’s something I have never thought about, really, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing
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